Stories, ideas and solutions to create a more fun, inclusive and regenerative world in and around golf

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It’s Time To Have ‘The (Sustainability) Talk’
PGA TOUR, The Future of Golf Guest User PGA TOUR, The Future of Golf Guest User

It’s Time To Have ‘The (Sustainability) Talk’

Two leaders in the landscape of PGA TOUR sustainability (AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am & WM Phoenix Open) are a great way to kick off the year - but what about the other tours? What about the rest of the year? What about the rest of the country? While many other tournaments continue to lay the groundwork for sustainability internally, from an objective standpoint, many people reading this probably wonder where the push for sustainability is coming from inside the golf industry and how do those conversations begin? What a better time to address this than my first article since attending my first PGA TOUR Meetings.

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