Stories, ideas and solutions to create a more fun, inclusive and regenerative world in and around golf
Our Articles
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Sustainability Spotlight: The PGA Works Program
The PGA of America is one of golf’s biggest and oldest governing bodies and with over 29,000 worldwide members (about 23,000 in the US) who manage and operate golf courses while growing participation in the game. However, of the 29,000 members, fewer than 10% of them are women and less than 1% are African American. In this issue of Sustainability Spotlight series, we dive into the PGA of America’s initiatives to build a more diverse and inclusive golf professional workforce.

Driving the Green Recap: 1st Annual NLT ‘Symposium on Municipal Golf’
The first annual National Links Trust ‘Symposium on Municipal Golf’ was held November 8-9, 2021 in Washington, DC. This exclusive recap discusses the takeaways, obstacles and goals emerging from this inaugural event as the golf industry works hard to preserve and reimagine the possibilities for municipal golf facilities.

Sustainability Spotlight - The 43rd Ryder Cup @ Whistling Straits
Nothing stokes the fire within a sports fan’s heart more than playing against a rival, where every aspect of the game is magnified by the added desire to not just win, but to beat the snot out of your opponent. For this edition of the Sustainability Spotlight, we turn our attention to focus on the sustainability issues involved in golf’s biggest rivalry, the Ryder Cup.

Bee the Change - An Earth Day 2021 Special Report
At least 35% of the food we eat is directly dependent on the pollination services of bees. With their numbers in decline, might a symbiotic relationship with golf be the change needed to restore their numbers?