Celebrating MLK and Civil Leadership Through Golf
At Driving the Green, we focus on positive construction with our thoughts, words, and deeds, which seems to be an ever necessary intention in a world that feeds (and profits from) negativity bias. In simpler summary:
What’s working well? How can we build from that?
In witnessing divisive leadership and the questioning of many institutions, our antidote is to continue exploring examples of leaders who unite, along with a game that represents a unifying institution. We felt it was important that our team each chimed in for the following article, unifying ourselves on the topic of how golf exemplifies the values of Martin Luther King, Jr.
We each share what MLK Day means to us, along with our experience of how golf brings that value to life, carrying forward the legacy and dream of MLK.
MLK Day Means to Me: Regenerative & Integral Leadership
Separation is an illusion, and we cannot solve problems “out there” if we are not willing to address and upgrade our consciousness “in here”. Only then can the real enemies and obstacles reveal themselves to our awareness. While MLK had some controversies in his path, he was fundamentally a regenerative leader who dreamt a solution to address segregation through solidarity - a solution that he modeled himself in many marches and peaceful protests.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hatred; only love can do that.” -- Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1957
The game of golf fundamentally helps its participants embody this shift in awareness, 1) Through a scoring system that equalizes disparities in skill/ability, and 2) Through connecting its participants to the timeless flow of nature. Golf serves this fundamental connection to as wide a variety of groups as any sport. Yes, some golfers are deeply flawed human beings, but while playing golf, one must be in relatively peaceful concentration and positive intention. In that sense, just playing the game is a peaceful protest to the chaos of life.
MLK Day Means to Me: Service and Community
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life to improving the lives of others, which is the sign of a true leader. When I think about MLK Day, I think about honoring his legacy by serving those in the community and making the lives of others better, if only by a little.
Golf offers many opportunities for service. One of my favorite organizations that gives back through the game is The First Tee. I was a volunteer coach for The First Tee in New Jersey for several years. It was moving to see kids who likely wouldn’t otherwise have access to the game of golf fall in love with the sport and grasp the important life lessons that golf teaches its players. Municipal golf courses in particular are invaluable community resources where service, such as coaching through The First Tee, can be supported.
MLK Day Means to Me: Social and Environmental Justice
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a pioneer in the Social and Environmental Justice movement, even if those specific terms weren’t used during his lifetime. King’s fight for civil rights and the end of Jim Crow laws created a lasting legacy that millions of people honor each year through acts of service on the holiday honoring his life. King’s advocacy helped push for groundbreaking environmental laws, like The Clean Air Act (1967), to be passed helping to right the environmental wrongs placed on so many minority populations.
Today, I honor the life of Martin Luther King, Jr through an annual day of service volunteer event with the Anacostia Watershed Society at historic Langston Golf Course, a public golf course in the heart of NE Washington, DC that was built specifically for the African-American golf community in the time of segregation. The volunteer event honors King’s social and environmental justice legacy by rehabilitating a once diminished ecosystem by removing trash and restoring native plant species, improving accessibility to urban greenspaces for local residents to enjoy golf as an activity, and creating service and educational opportunities for concerned community members and students.
Students from Howard University’s Water and Environment Association participate in a 2025 MLK Day of Service volunteer event to remove trash and invasive plant species at historic Langston Golf Course in Washington, DC.
MLK Day Means to Me: Optimism
"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." -- Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1964
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day comes at an optimal time on the calendar. While many come fresh off with implementation (or ditching) their New Year’s Resolutions. MLK Day shows us we don’t need a new year to reflect on our habits, beliefs, and empathy. It offers us an opportunity to celebrate a leader who believed in uniting each other. Especially with our current political leaders working harder to separate and categorize us from one another, an annual reminder each January is just what we need to recall that positivity has been the driving force for change. Sport, and golf of course, has the platform to create togetherness and spark connection of those from different backgrounds. I hope that we can extend the beliefs of Dr. King a little more often throughout this year.