Stories, ideas and solutions to create a more fun, inclusive and regenerative world in and around golf

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Olympic Spotlight: Le Golf National - How This Premier French Golf Club Leads Eco-Responsibility (Ahead of Regulations)

Olympic Spotlight: Le Golf National - How This Premier French Golf Club Leads Eco-Responsibility (Ahead of Regulations)

Le Golf National, located in the southwestern suburbs of Paris, hosted the 2018 Ryder Cup and also hosts the French Open annually on its Albatros Champions Course. Le Golf National is not only a renowned golf club in France, but it also walks the walks when it comes to sustainability. This comes as no surprise given how dedicated the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was to making the 2024 Paris Olympics the most sustainable yet

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Sustainability at Scale through Balanced pH

Sustainability at Scale through Balanced pH

ECO2MIX is a safe & sustainable water pH management alternative for golf courses. Healthy turfgrass relies upon having lots of water, but the quality of that water is as important as the quantity of water. For optimal turf conditions, soil and irrigation systems must have balanced (or slightly acidic) pH, and ECO2MIX offers a carbonic acid solution that costs between 20-40% less than sulfuric acid alternatives.

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Eco-logical Design for Green Infrastructure in Cities

Eco-logical Design for Green Infrastructure in Cities

As the following conversation discusses, ecology and economy share the root word “eco”, which means “home” or “place to live”. At the root of municipal systems and urban environments is the shared desire among stakeholders to collaborate on more harmonious ways of living. Green Mechanics uses data and natural flows to facilitate life in urban environments. Enjoy Andre’s conversation with Larry Davis of Green Mechanics!

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2023 NLT Symposium on Municipal Golf
The Future of Golf Andre Paul The Future of Golf Andre Paul

2023 NLT Symposium on Municipal Golf

The 2023 NLT Symposium reminded its guests of the visceral and embodied feeling of inspiration - a literal “openness of breath”. The lively forum united salt of the Earth folks from around the US who are continuing to “walk the talk” in municipal golf as champions of community engagement, sustainable development, and providing great golf to more people.

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