Who is Driving the Green on the Korn Ferry TOUR?
We are aware of the sustainability programs and movement from the PGA TOUR level, but what about the Korn Ferry TOUR? Look no further than the team at South Carolina Charities, Inc. and the BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation to find the torchbearer in sustainability. Before a ball has been teed up in the 2021 edition of the BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation, the tournament has already committed to being a zero-waste to the landfill event, brought on corporate and civic partners to share their missions and platforms, and put policies and plans in place to control purchasing, disposal, and stakeholder engagement.
Photo courtesy of BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation
The blueprint for the BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation is the same as the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, Waste Management Phoenix Open, and other leading examples of tournament sustainability on the PGA TOUR set by the Golf Environment Organization Tournament Certification. The tournament plans to attempt GEO certification before 2025. What does the playbook for a zero-waste tournament look like? Here is a snapshot of each of the six GEO categories and the efforts being employed in Greenville, SC.
Planning and Communication -
Tournament signage, social media inclusion, and on-site Community Green Team Ambassadors will all be supporting and communicating tournament sustainability efforts and allow for real-time feedback from spectators and partners.
Hosting “Green Day” Luncheon to share best practices with other local sports and event organizers and civic stakeholders in the Upstate.
Publication of 2021 Tournament Sustainability Report presenting transparent data and metrics from all tournament operations and goals for future tournaments.
Key Outcome - Fan-facing engagement to support disposal and year-round communication of program
“When it comes to sustainability it's all about making the choice to do what's best for your surroundings. We can all do our part to make the environment a better place in so many unique and creative ways. We hope that our efforts at the BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation will have a huge impact on those around us, both now and in the future.” - Morgan Shock, Tournament Sales
Site Protection and Restoration
Avoiding spectator foot traffic, staging, and operation on ecologically sensitive areas.
Coordination with the host clubs (Thornblade Club and The Cliffs Valley) to understand and support environmental programs such as responsible water consumption and pesticide usage.
Key Outcome - Preservation of ecological habitats unique to Upstate South Carolina
Tournament specific procurement policy
Continual support and reporting on compliance on vendor and outside purchasing
All club catering serviceware will be certified compostable and diverted from the landfill
Key Outcome - Responsible purchasing policy implementation in year one gets all stakeholders on board to understand the life cycle of products brought on-site
Resource Management
Back of house and hospitality food waste collection
Tracking and reporting on tournament waste diversion by source
Elimination of plastic beverage containers
E-Waste Drive at Roper Mountain Science Center
Baseline of tournament water footprint from concessions and course irrigation
Baseline energy consumption (carbon footprint) of internally controlled operations - energy from club/other inground sources and external operations - travel from players, staff, vols, spectators, etc., vendor travel & purchasing
Key Outcome - Baseline measurements allow the tournament to properly manage the consumption of waste, water, and energy
Access & Equity
No cost of admission to all youth (18 & under) and military and first responders
Creation and continual updating of tournament access and equity policy
Key Outcome - All members of the Upstate are able to be part of a responsible tournament by eliminating barriers of entry by either attending or volunteering
Community Legacy -
Community Green Team comprised of local non-profit groups to return funding to upstate organizations all while carrying out the tournament sustainability mission
Creation of Green Team collaboration with other Upstate sports organizations, events, and universities to extend the movement of sustainable and responsible events in South Carolina
Continued charitable giving on top of the $13.7 million already distributed to charities in the Upstate
Key Outcome - The impact of the BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation lives 365 days a year, not just the week of tournament golf.
“Sustainability for me is all about providing a brighter (greener) future for generations to come. It is about doing the little things, such as recycling...every little act adds up! Educating our youth now ensures that sustainability becomes a habit and the little things turn into big things.” - Kari Snider, Charity and Volunteer Manager
The goal to be the leading example on the Korn Ferry TOUR of environmental and social sustainability is not an overnight transformation and one that takes holistic organizational support. One of the driving factors behind organizational support I have noticed with the BMW Charity Pro-Am presented by SYNNEX Corporation is the collaborative and supportive nature of the tournament staff. Each purchasing, planning, and operational decision by an event has a lasting impact on the host community. Thankfully, decisions being made in the Upstate are all with the intent to build a better tomorrow.